Masuk Daftar

prone to artinya

contoh kalimat "prone to"
  • Eve 6 said they were prone to suicide.
    Hawa 6 bilang mereka cenderung untuk bunuh diri.
  • The intermediates are also less prone to beta-hydride elimination.
    Intermediet juga kurang rentan terhadap eliminasi beta-hidrida.
  • Not a boy prone to losing his sword.
    Tidak oleh bocah yg mudah kehilangan senjatanya.
  • He's prone to violence, impulsive, and has a hook for a hand.
    dan menggunakan kait sebagai tangan.
  • Check his records, see if he is prone to violence.
    Tolong lihat diregunya, apa ada kasus kekerasan.
  • She's an arsonist, escape artist, prone to violent outbursts.
    Dia adalah pembakar, ahli melarikan diri, cenderung meledak-ledak.
  • But isn't the real Agent May already prone to violence?
    Bukankah Agen May asli rentan terhadap kekerasan?
  • The village is also prone to major flooding.
    Namun desa ini juga sangat rawan banjir.
  • I'm just a little- I'm a little prone to motion sickness.
    Aku hanya sedikit agak rentan terhadap mabuk.
  • Not a boy prone to losing his sword?
    Bukan anak labil yang kehilangan pedangnya?
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